How to Deal With Depression as a Christian

Did you know that some of the major Biblical people had depression at different times of their lives? Yes, that’s right. Job, Jeremiah, Naomi, Hannah, Jonah, and king David all had depression at some point. But we will use Elijah as an example. Do not feel shame in feeling depressed because you’re extremely valued and loved by God.

First, we can experience depression when we are physically drained or burned out. In 1 Kings 19:2-28, Elijah had just come down off of mountain where he had killed a large group of false prophets who were against God. He then received a message from the evil woman named Jezebel who was queen of Israel saying that she was going to kill him. As a result we find Elijah running for his life, where he is believed to have traveled 300 miles on foot with no rest or nutrition.

Second, we can experience depression when we are emotional depleted. Elijah says “I have had enough Lord. Take my life, for I am no better than my ancestors who have already died.” He was so depressed to the point of wanting to die. Then he laid down and rested under a broom tree, but as he was sleeping an angel touched him and told him to eat. He looked around and there was bread and water. The solution to the first two: rest, you’re burned out. Refresh yourself, exercise, and eat healthy because that can be a very big contributor to depression.

Third, we feel spiritually disconnected from God. When Jezebel sent the message to Elijah, she had written “May the gods strike me and even kill me if by this time tomorrow I have not killed you just as you killed them” (referencing the false prophets). While Elijah certainly wasn’t spiritually disconnected from God, even being around or in contact with someone who was, especially someone as fierce and cruel as Jezebel, gave him such fear and concern that he ran and sunk into depression, rather than trust God that nothing bad would happen to him. We face these same obstacles anytime we allow ourselves to be around negative people, and worse if we try to please them. That can lead to discouragement and depression, so if you’re around a lot of negative people who tell you to quit, to give up, to walk away because you’ll never achieve anything, then you should do everything you can to get away from these people. Another thing you should do is to stop comparing yourself to others. Comparison is thief of joy, especially when you are comparing yourself in ways the world cares about and not ways that God cares about. Be careful in getting away from people, however. Don’t isolate yourself, isolation isn’t the answer and you will only make yourself more sad.

As Christians we can’t do this life alone. We need a community of believers around us promoting our continued growth in Christ. God promises trouble on earth and the Bible is clear that it isn’t good to go it alone. We need this community and, more importantly, we need God. A life away from God is a sad and wasted life. A life with God is a rich and happy one. Stay with God and believe in Him and you will not be depressed anymore.

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