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When is the Rapture?

The Rapture is the Christian belief that Jesus will return, coming from the clouds, and will lift up the chosen children of God into the sky with Him to live as part of the Millennial Kingdom and the Eternal Kingdom in heaven. The term “rapture” is never used…

Things Christians Should Keep in Mind

1. Life for Christians Won’t Be Easy I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world. John 16:33 (NIV) 2. We Must Love Him Above All Things…

Nine Common Questions About Christianity

Once someone is saved are they always saved? Yes. 1 John 2:19 tells us that those who stray from the faith were never of the faith to begin with. Therefore, anyone who is of true Christian faith will never stray away and will always be saved. “They went…

Five Reasons Why the Catholic Church is Wrong

The Catholic Faith is very different from true Christianity. There are distinct differences and to follow Catholicism to a tee is to be led away from God. Many do not know these differences. We are not saying that every Catholic is bad or unsaved, but we are saying to be…

Chosen By God’s Mercy

Every person who will be saved is chosen by God. Their names have been written in the Book of Life since the beginning of time. And they will go to be with God for eternity only because they were chosen to do so. The Bible discusses the “chosen&#8221…

What it Means for Christians to Live in Today’s Moral Downfall

The world we live in today is extremely sinful. People are sexually explicit, greedy, murderous, and hateful, among other things. Most Christians seem to ignore these things and hide from them. But we need to be able to confront sin head-on. God has charged us with spreading His Word…

Christian Conversion in Non-Christian Countries

God works in many mysterious ways. In majority-Christian countries right now, many people are turning away from God in favor of worldly and secular ideals. On the other hand, many people in the Middle-East and other generally non-Christian areas are having dreams about God and the Bible…

Why Our Dreams Have Changed

When Henry and I first met, we had dreams of having great careers, a successful life, and lots of money.  We had the same dreams most people have; worldly and self-seeking dreams.  In those early days, even with the lofty goals, we did not know who we…


In many ways, we all face loneliness daily. As humans, we are all going through the motions of life, shaping it to be our own. We have many people around us, but they are also shaping their own lives their own ways. In this way, to be human is to…

Facts About Us

Hey guys, Sandra and Henry here! We are very glad that you have been reading our content and we hope that you have found it interesting and informative. We want you guys to get to know us better, so please enjoy as we let you in on some facts about…